Monday, September 30, 2019

Argument Essay Essay

As students we all have been challenged to do our best. Throughout our lives we have been labeled with our grades; in high school, the ones with low grades were left alone in misery, while the ones with higher grades were praised as the leaders of this horse race. Then, the question that comes into mind is: is it right to categorize students, does grading contribute to educationa? It is assumed and stated in the philosophy of the current educational system that grading encourages learning and without it students would not study. That is far from being true and also expresses another flaw of our education system. The system is based on fear: the basic motive for students to study is fear of low grades. Furthermore, because the grades are the main criteria for passing courses, students do not study: they just develop methods of cheating. Thus, without learning the subject, they keep passing. Since grades received in exams are more important than learning the subject matter, all students have to do to pass their courses is memorize how a specific problem is solved. Without knowing why such a method is used, students cannot apply their ability to solve the problem to daily life. However, they pass exams without learning why, how or what of the matter. Another disadvantage of grading is that grades of a student are not updated. That means the grades of a student for the first year of school will still be valid in the last year, whether his knowledge about the subject has improved or deteriorated. Considering all the factors that affect a student’s exams and marks, even a small incident may have a great impact in the long run. Apart from these problems, which can be virtually solved by optimizing and improving the grading system, the most important defect of the system cannot be repaired without changing the whole system. The grading system causes inequalities, superior-inferior relations, classifications and even conflicts. It may be maintained that societies of the modern world are structured on these basic principles, but the fact that something exists does not justify it. Moreover, the people grown up in such an education system will not be able to see the other side of the walls, or will be afraid even to take a glimpse. To sum up, grading students is not a good practice and should be abolished. It is clear that education, especially education during childhood, has a great effect on one’s life. And if you bring the children up in conditions of conflict and competition, they will look for conflicts in the future too.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Morality, Meet Brave New World Essay

â€Å"The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.†1 Concerning Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel, Brave New World, readers find themselves thinking the theme of the novel is not of proper conduct and it would not take place in their current world. Brave New World follows a futuristic society, the World State, where citizens are mass-produced and conditioned to suit the ways of the government and the society as a whole. Everyone is born to fit in certain classes and they crave pleasure, order and conformity. John the Savage, the protagonist, is of strict Christian moral codes and is shocked by the government’s control over citizens and their behavior. He rejects their mentality and tries to go against it, with no avail. The citizens’ sexual freedom, conditioning, risky use of drugs, dissolution of families and manipulation of religion to accommodate the society irritates many a moral critic. â€Å"Moral education, which ought never, in any circumstances, to be rational,† is said by a director (Huxley 32). It implies that the leaders do believe in moral education. However, without God or sense, it is they who make the morals. Huxley warns readers of how technology and power in the hands of the government can cause the downfall of man. With the concept of socialist morality in mind, the World State’s power is absolute and citizens follow societal codes and morals whether they like it or not, without a fight. Babies are born and nurtured in the community for the purpose of becoming productive members of the society. Citizens are conditioned to think that everyone is equal and they are made useful for the good of the society and the government. They satisfy themselves through food, sex, clothes, drugs and other entertainment promoting fun and consumption. This ensures the State’s stability. Hypnopaedic (sleep-teaching) messages such as â€Å"Every one works for every one else. We can’t do without anyone†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Huxley 66), and â€Å"Ending is better than mending. The more stitches, the less riches†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Huxley 50) promote the part of socialism where every member of the society must work in a way that benefits the community. The second part promotes  consumerism; people must throw away old possessions and buy newer ones. The State’s ability to satisfy these desires of the people promises economic growth and affluence. Humans are just devices in this social and scientific world, manipulated and controlled by the World State for the good of the community. â€Å"Wheels must turn steadily, but cannot turn untended. There must be men to tend them, men as steady as the wheels upon their axles, sane men, obedient men, stable in contentment,† reasons Mustapha Mond, the World Controller (Huxley 44). This quote entails that this dictatorial government knows what is best for the society, not individuals, and that is why the leaders have set the moral standards. The State maintains power through technology and medical operations which allows citizens to feel so happy, they do not care about personal freedom, thoughts or choices. At the beginning, the Director says, â€Å"Bokanovsky’s Process is one of the major instruments of social stability!† (Huxley 18) The Bokanovsky’s Process is a biological version of Henry Ford’s assembly line. It is a means of churning out test tube babies, who will live and work in a predetermined society. The populace, the social castes and the mental processes of embryos are easier to control due to this process. There is also a lack of individuality with the concept of the assembly line where everyone is indistinguishable and managed by the government to maximize efficiency and profit. Individuality does not represent community to them and therefore, is not beneficial. With the World State’s control over birth, life and death of its citizens, it is able to achieve community amity. Effective people are needed for an effective society. To accomplish this task, definite stability is needed. Progress and science allows the State to create a happy and a superficial world. World Controllers, the leaders of the society, are careful with the use of science and technology. The use of soma, which clouds present reality and makes people experience happy hallucinations, ‘feelies’, hypnopaedia and conditioning machines are tools to promote social stability. It is to keep citizens busy with work and entertainment. In the novel, citizens must go through different kinds of conditioning. â€Å"All conditioning aims at that; making people like their inescapable social destiny,† (Huxley 24) says the Director of Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, where test tube babies, called â€Å"bottle  babies†, are decanted. Members of the society are taught to never be unsatisfied with their jobs, which eliminates individuals going against their â €˜destinies’. In turn, stability is created. Citizens learn through slogans, rhymes and hynopaedic messages to use soma and have sex with countless members of society. The Director shouts triumphantly, â€Å"Till at last the child’s mind is these suggestions and the sum of the suggestions is the child’s mind. And not the child’s mind only. The adult’s mind too – all his life long. The mind that judges and desires and decides is made up of these suggestions. But these suggestions are our suggestions†¦suggestions from the State.† (Huxley 34) They do not realize this but individual thoughts are done away with in the novel. Humans are just followers for the governments who can’t think for themselves because they’ve been conditioned to become that way. Elimination of emotion, families, history and literature also plays a significant part in achieving stability. Mond explains to boys touring the Hatchery, â€Å"Mother, monogamy, romance†¦ What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorses, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the poverty-they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation, how could they be stable?† (Huxley 43) Mond says by doing away with things such as mother, monogamy, â€Å"feeling strongly† and other things mentioned in the quote is how stability and harmony is gained in a society. This quote also shows the viewpoint of the World State that all humans must conduct themselves in one way. In the system, members must always remain happy for the sake of social stability. A recent report in Psychology Today concluded, â€Å"The most significant predictor of a person’s moral behavior may be religious commitment.†2 Huxley uses Christian morality to further illustrate the socialist morality of the plot. The religious conviction in man has been evident throughout the ages. The World State recognizes this urge and manipulates it toward the relevance of supporting and indulging society. The State in Brave New World creates a single religion for its people based on Henry Ford, his teachings and his representation of an assembly-line society than based on a Christ, his  teachings and a spiritual God with whom people may communicate by themselves. The services are government-funded and are mandatory, such as, the Solidarity Service, which is a parody and a substitution of the Christian Communion Service. The song of the service goes like this, â€Å"Ford, we are twelve; oh, make us one, Like, drops within the Social River; Oh, make us now together run†¦Orgy-porgy gives release.† (Huxley 74) This gives readers an idea about of the control the government has on religion and sexual practices. Though trivial, it is an example of a religion the World State forms to keep citizens in line and in accord. The phrase, â€Å"Ford, we are twelve; oh, make us one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Huxley 74) summons Ford and reinforces the lack of individuality where humans are the same as items on the assembly line. Twelve members are the same as one, without any difference. This service gives release of emotions, a human nature the World State had not been able to stop through conditioning. It is advantageous as it does not pose a threat to power and control of the State. Karl Marx is quoted to have said, â€Å"Religion is the opiate of the people.†3 He means to say that religions are organized to relieve people’s anxieties about their personal responsibilities for the unfairness in life. In the novel, it is soma that is substituted for religion. Mond refers soma as, â€Å"Christianity without tears†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Huxley 185) Soma allows the public to feel at ease than the sadness and guilt caused by Christianity. Their act of prayer is taking in soma and they feel fulfilled and happy. In Brave New World Revisited, Huxley states that soma is the religion of the people.4 It can be said that the citizens of the World State are very religious in adhering to moral standards organized by the government for themselves. With the caste system strict and firm, authority in the World State is not questioned nor challenged. As a group, members fear and respect the government and would never go against it. Members may feel dissatisfied with their way of living. When the Director asks Bernard, â€Å"†¦ can you show any reason why I should not now execute the judgment passed upon you?’, Bernard answers with a confident â€Å"Yes, I can.† (Huxley 121) He proceeds to present the Director his son, John. Having a son goes against all the social morals taught by the World State. Although Bernard did not act in an anarchist fashion, he took a small step towards being disrespectful to and humiliating  a man of authority. John the Savage does not like what he sees. With â€Å"O brave new world† resonating in his head, John cries out for people at the Park Lane Hospital of Dying to stop taking the soma rations. He attempts to throw out the soma through the window and asks the people to choose freedom (Huxley 168). John hadn’t been able to go against the government. Although chaos doesn’t fully place take and seeds of confusion have been planted in the society, the government is still in control. The goals of morality, as described by C.S. Lewis, are to ensure fair play and harmony between individuals, help form good people to have a good society and keep them in a good relationship with the power that is responsible for creating them. By their motto of â€Å"Community, Stability, Identity† (Huxley 18), the Brave New World achieves these goals, given through questionable methods. The State’s ability to satisfy needs and wants of the public through entertainment, work and consumption leads to stability and economic growth for society. The government’s different conditioning techniques, intentional drug use, manipulation of religion and view that everyone belongs to and works for everyone else are used to benefit society in creating useful citizens. The consequences are a loss of dignity, values and emotions – in short, a loss of humanity. This is the idea of extreme socialist morality that takes place in the book. This version of society reflects the current society’s economic values – individual happiness is the satisfaction of his or her needs and success of growth and prosperity. The social moral codes of Brave New World create a superior society where people cooperate instead of compete. Although some critics and readers may think this is accomplished through wrong conduct, this may be what our current society strives for. WORKS CITED 1. Oscar Wilde. â€Å"Oscar Wilde Quotes†. 2006. 2. Morality By Design. 3. Religion: An Opaite of People?† 4. Brave New World Revisited 5. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley â€Å"Moral Criticism of Brave New World.† Associated Content. News, 2007

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Beer Wars Essay Example for Free (#3)

Beer Wars Essay Essay Topic: War , Dogfish Head Brewery Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Beer Wars is documentary about the American beer industry and how the 3 largest US breweries try to drive out the competition. This documentary covers how lobbyists are used to control the beer market and drive out smaller breweries such as Dogfish Head Brewery, Stone Brewery, and Moonshot: all producers of craft beer. The documentary describes how a 3 tier system was put into place to separate the powers of selling beer and prevent a monopoly but the laws that were put into place to prevent the monopoly, infact, promoted the size and strength of the largest beer corporations. An oligopoly was formed and maintained between Anheuser Busch, Coors, and Miller. Porter’s Five Forces Model is a business strategy that was covered in Beer Wars. Anat Barron described how difficult it was for small craft beer makers to be new entrants to the beer industry. When Anheuser Busch felt the least bit threatened, they had the capital and access to distribution channels that the smaller breweries did not have. The craft breweries found it greatly difficult to compete with the big 3 because they were not a substitute for the Big 3’s product, they were a small competitor. Anheuser Busch controlled the bargaining power because they were able to keep prices down due to their size and pockets while small craft breweries had to be more expensive because of the quality and care that went into it on top of having to pay a higher rate for ingredients compared to the other large corporations. To cite an example of the deep pockets that the big 3 had, Anheuser Busch came out with beer with caffeine in response to Moonshot beer, which was a craft beer (and the first of it’s kind). It can be viewed as theft but they had the pockets to Moonshot out. They targeted the bars and stores that carried Moonshot and gave them free cases of Anheuser Busch’s version of Moonshot beer. Though illegal some bars took it because it was free and busch had better prices to drive moonshot out. The intensity of competitive rivalry was at an all-time high when it came to Anheuser Busch trying to weed out the smaller breweries. The big 3 breweries managed to control the market share through advertising on tv , sponsorships, and on the store shelves through strategic placement of their product. The three tier system that separates the powers of selling beer delves into how lobbyists are used to control the beer market. Anheuser Busch uses their deep pockets to get rid of competition from small craft beer makers and control consumer choice. They purchase other beer corporations. Although only touched upon briefly towards the end of the film, Anat touched upon how Coors and Miller had to go into a 50/50 joint venture to compete with Anheuser Busch. Coors and Miller scanned the beer environment and realized that they could not keep a myopic view and hope for things to turn around. They knew that in order for each to survive, they needed to join forces. They were easier for Anheuser to take out individually but stronger as a whole. Beer Wars. (2017, Mar 04).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Information System Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Management Information System - Coursework Example The network has also helped the company to better manage its finances because clients do not pay in cash, but through credit cards. Finally, the network, especially GPS, has helped the company to track its bicycles, which is useful for operations management and security purposes. The main challenge is that clients who want to steal bikes may remove the RFID tag from the bicycle, which would disconnect the bicycle from the company’s database and/or prevent the company from tracking the bike. Another challenge is that wireless network does not provide a way of checking the condition of the bike when a client is returning it. This way, clients might be returning damaged bikes so long as the network will allow bike return. The company should have a mechanism of charging customers who are late to return bikes. To achieve this, the company’s database should record the ID tag of the bicycle that has left its dock, the credit card number of the client and the return date based on the time the client has hired the bike. Once the hiring period is over with the bike having not been returned (ID tag missing in the database) the system should start charging the client based on an agreed policy. Once the bike is returned, the system should check in the bike using its ID tag to complete the transaction. The company should also use wireless payment system that facilitates payment via mobile phone. This will help the company increase its customer base since not all customers will are able to pay via the allowed systems. wireless payment system is whereby a customer pays for a bike via mobile phone. The company sends the client a code via short message service (sms) that the client can use to unlock the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Catholic Identity Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Catholic Identity Response - Assignment Example For example, the school’s mission is a reflection of the Catholic identity acting as a key reminder of the school’s Catholic identity to everyone interacting with it. Additionally, St. Joachim’s curriculum has is within the confines of ‘Blest Are We Series that corresponds to teachings of Catholic faith’. As such, Catholic resources such as teacher magazines and websites promoting Catholic faith such as Holy Heroes are allowed in the school. This is further facilitated by the annual assessments on religion in grades five and eight, enabling general sampling of the school’s levels of faith ranking it above national norms over the years. The annual assessments also act as resources to identify areas that need to be improved on by gauging performance of different areas. Moreover, religion projects and activities such as visiting places of worship and earning a minimum of sixty hours of community service as a graduation requirement advanced by the school has heavily promoted development of religion. To shape religious life outside the school, parents and guardians are invited to prayer gatherings and weekly masses. Additionally, the Catholic environment is improved by the sacramental displays such as the mosaic of Mary throughout the institution. Furthermore, the faculty annually participates in catechetical formation where teachers attend Diocesan congress and retreats thereby improving their spirituality. These entire efforts merge together to create, develop, ad maintain a Catholic identity and the general spirituality of St. Joachim

Public Policy Current Events Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Policy Current Events Analysis - Essay Example Chesapeake Bay is a crucial waterway. The bay is presently in critical condition and is facing a lot of challenges especially through pollution. Perhaps, the greatest source of pollution arises from increased nutrients in the bay especially phosphorus and nitrogen. Though, these nutrients are fundamental to sustain aquatic biological growth, if present in quantity excessive of the basic requirements, like in the Chesapeake Bay, they lead to excessive growth of algae and phytoplankton. This has had a twin effect. The algae have blocked sunlight, thus, preventing penetration to the deeper end water, thus, compromising the growth of bay grass. Secondly, when the algae die they use available oxygen in the deeper areas for decomposition creating dead zones, whereby the dissolved oxygen levels becomes too low to sustain marine life. This has led to dwindling of fishery resources in the bay. From the documentary, it is clear that these nutrients arise from a horde of sources notably from ag ricultural farms and sewage.Chicken manure is loaded with nitrogen and phosphorus which when carried to the bay by the rivers culminates in the dead zone. Hedrick smith also points to the fisherman as a source of the problems facing the Bay. He states that humans have drastically overfished the fisheries resources. This information has been known by the formal policy makers for quite a long time. Charles fox, EPA assistant administrator between 1998 and 2001, admits to this. They tried several methods to combat the problem such as trying to enact regulations and laws and initiating programmes to treat the sewage system. Nevertheless, they have been unable to combat this menace due to a horde of factors. Key among them is the lack of political will, despite available information showing what is necessary to save Chesapeake Bay. Leon Billing, US senate staff from 1966 to 1980 compares the same situation to the passage of Clean Water Act, which when it was passed in the senate, and the house, President Nixon vetoed it despite pressure from the people to enact the law to govern pollution. Charles Fox also points to preferential treatment to successful business stating that the Reagan administration had a deregulatory agenda often inviting successful businesses for a list of regulation they would want to relief. Further, he blames the administration for being an obstacle to the operations of EPA, stopping its operations for a period of about seven years and instead appointing people to run the EPA, people who were opposed to its mission. Informal policy actors have played a prominent role too.This is through active lobbying. Leon Billings states that the big chicken companies have hired top guns to lobby against the enactment of any meaningful regulations on the agriculture sector and, thus, influenced policy makers. When the Maryland legislature tried to compel mandatory nutrient management by farmers, they were opposed to the bill. Jim Perdue argues that the bill was a threat to survival of the industry in totality. Other informal policy actors include the public pressure, interest groups such as the non-governmental organization. PART 2 Gay marriage has emerged on the agenda because of both formal and informal actors. Same sex marriage has been a problem in the society for a while. It has captured public interest and as a result led to public debates whether to legalize it or not. With regards to New York, it was made an agenda due to electoral pledges, as

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How to success with social media such as my father Essay

How to success with social media such as my father - Essay Example Each has his own way of measuring success. One may view it as ‘making loads of money’, while others may perceive success as fulfillment of goals and maximizing one’s potential. But to be particular, what I’ll be discussing here is about the success achieved by my father through the use of the social media. Social media are the ‘media for social interaction using web-based and mobile technologies for interactive communication’ . In other words, these are the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Cyworld, LinkedIn and others. You see, my family was poor when I was a child. Though he was already a plastic surgeon then, he had very little patients. But when the â€Å".com† boomed, my father joined the bandwagon and built a plastic surgery website. Through the website he advertised the services he offered and established a good network of clients. He also promoted community network service in the site, thus increasing his visitors’ traffic. Now I am proud to share with you guys, that my father gained success in his endeavors and now has a big network of marketing service team. Though we may view my father’s success as because of the websites, I will still say that the website is only half of his success. The other half is because of the inner qualities that he possessed to achieve his goals. As Richard St. John puts it, ‘passion, love, hard work, practice, focus, push, ideas and persistence are the secrets to success.’To succeed, a person must have passion for whatever he is doing or promoting. It is the ‘energy that comes from bringing more of you into what you do’ (The M.A.P.) It lights the fire to make you do what you want to do and do it to the best of your abilities. By doing your work passionately shows your love to your work. And when you love your work you’ll continue doing it irrespective of monetary rewards. Also, success entails hard work. Not only work but hard work. D uring this process when you realize you need a lot of practice to get perfect results. Getting perfect results need focus. Focus to attain perfection. But whatever it is, always remember that great things come from good ideas. Whatever the idea is, whether big or small, it’s just right to pursue it because nobody knows what will happen unless you give it a try. In addition, being persistent can lead you to success. Had my father were not persistent enough to try his luck in the social media, then he would not have achieved his status today. However, Will Edward has a different listing as to what success means to him. To him it needs ‘commitment, open mind, persistence, flexibility, faith, thankfulness and passion to be successful’ (Edward 2006). The number one in his list is commitment. To be fully committed, a person must bind his emotions and mind in fulfilling a certain goal. You need to take action relevant to your wishes to make it happen. But you’ve got to have your own dream and commit yourself to its accomplishment. As soon as you’re committed, you need an open mind to consider every possible solution available to achieve the goal. Like in the case of my father, he showed his open-mindedness when he tried using the social media even though it was still at its infancy stage and have not proven results yet. And he proved to be right. Next in the list of the keys of success of Edward is persistence, the act of being firm in the decision to do what he thinks is the way to the achievement of his goal. Persistent people are sometimes called hard-headed because they refuse to give up even in the face of continuous failure. Just in the case of my

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Retamars Caliban Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Retamars Caliban - Essay Example Unlike Rodo who depicts Latin America identified as the spiritually-driven Ariel, Retamar reads into the role of an apparent barbaric, savage Caliban to find Latin American culture as a heroic, rebellious people. "Retamar rereads Caliban's barbarity as the organic revolutionary consciousness of the popular classes" says Maria Josefina Saldaana-Portillo2. The fragment chosen for this essay clearly exemplifies this dichotomy. A word (mambi) imposed by conquerors is re-significated to give identity and to rebel against those same conquerors. As David Kazanjian explains: "Caliban becomes the sign of the possibility of using the language and practices of the colonizer against colonization".3 The problem with defining a solid Latin American culture is that it is in continuous transformation. It has been influenced from the moment Cristobal Colon first encountered the people of Latin America, viewing them in a superficial dualistic fashion, as either the docile, reasonable, European-like Ariel; or the cannibal, irrational, ferocious Caliban. According to Retamar, this moment was defining, since it began the dichotomous interpretation of Latin America.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fundamentals of Quantitative Research Template Assignment

Fundamentals of Quantitative Research Template - Assignment Example two variables, this study goes ahead to dissect each of variables into its constituents and analyze how these individuals’ constituents relate to the second variable and its constituents. As already mentioned, a cross-sectional sampling technique is adopted for this research. The cross-sectional sampling technique adopted offers room for an all-inclusive study. Undertaking the study across diverse industries, the author brings a wholly representative study with respect to the area covered. Additionally, the sample is large enough to offer a representative sample. Additionally, considering the fact that the study participants are not aware of the study hypothesis, chances of biased occurring is highly diminished (Tzafrir, 2005). Nonetheless, the sample is non-purposive and this could have an impact on its representative of realistic findings of the research. The approach used in collecting the data used in the research suits its context. For starters, it should be mentioned that selecting participants from various organizations as sources of data allowed obtaining of representative data. Additionally, the researchers consider the ethics behind data collection. Although the sample chosen are unaware of the hypothesis of the study, they were well briefed on the research and those willing to, participated on voluntary basis participated in the research. Additionally, collection of primary data offers room for realistic and more current data for analysis. The research took an in-depth measurement of variables. Other than simply measuring the relationship between the two study variables, research further measures various components of the respective study variables. As a matter of fact, this offers room for undertaking an in-depth exploration of the relationship between the variables. It is simply like answering the question as to whether two countries have good relationship and going a step further to explore the area in which the two countries enjoy a good

Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Favorite Memory Essay Example for Free

My Favorite Memory Essay It all began in the summer of 1988 when my parents packed up our car. We began our countless hour journeys from Youngstown, Ohio to FaHoLo Deaf Family Camp in Grass Lake, Michigan. The excitement and thrill that would rush through my veins when going to FAHOLO sent visions to my head about who I would see first, where I would be staying, what I would be doing, and to what fun places I would go. You are never too old to go to FAHOLO, there is always something to do no matter what age you are. Although the cost of camp was somewhat on the pricey side, every dime we spent getting there was well worth it. You cannot place a cost on memories and the people you meet while you are at camp. My memories of camp began when my parents and I arrived at FAHOLO each year. We would unload the car as fast as we could so we could go to the loud sanctuary. As we walked up to the sanctuary we could hear very loud music coming from it, the vibrations shaking the building and the buildings around it. When you walk into the sanctuary all you see is hearing, hard of hearing, deaf, and special needs, all coming together to learn and worship the Lord. It is such an incredible site to see. After the evening service had ended, we would all go to the dining hall. I can remember hearing the doors creak open and the smell of the oak wood inside the lobby. When you walked into the dining hall you could smell whatever was cooking. The first night of camp was always pizza. The pizza that night was delicious; the crust was thick, the sauce very light, the cheese was extra thick, and the toppings piled on high. I remember sitting down to eat pizza, seeing hands signing, and recognizing faces I hadnt seen in years. I remember eating pizza every year with my best friends Jaclyn, Amanda, Amber, Amy, and BJ. Wed sit and talk about all the fun we had over the past year, sports, the things we were going to do during the week, and how much fun we were going to have. We would then start to plan out wh at activities we wanted to do first. As the night came to an end, we said our goodbyes and headed to our different dorms. Jaclyn, Amanda, Amber, Amy, and I always stayed in the Girls Dorm. I can vividly remember the smell of the old dorm room as I opened the door mold and bleach. I can remember hearing giggling, seeing the deaf girls signing, and my friends Amanda, Amber, Amy, and Jaclyn all unpacking their things into dressers as I walked down the hall to my room.. By the time I got done unpacking I was tired and ready for bed and the next day as well. I was ready to learn whos class I was going to be in for the week and I was excited and ready to learn,but most of all I was looking forward to my free time during the afternoon because we were able to do whatever activities we wanted. After our morning classes and lunch came free time in which we could choose from many activities during the afternoon. We had the choices of going swimming in the pool, swimming at the lake, paddle boating, kayaking, canoeing, jumping off the blob, jumping on the water trampoline, playing softball or volleyball, go-karts, riding horses, climbing the rock wall, or going on group trips. For days on end my best friends and I would swim carefree in the glimmering waters of the pool and lake. The outside pool is where I learned how to swim in the deep end and float on my back. I even saved a little girl from drowning because her parents were not paying attention to her. Grass Lake, is the lake where I learned how to row a canoe, kayake, and how to properly skip rocks. I will never forget the crisp, clean air, seeing the ripples of the water on the lake from skipping rocks, and the sound of oars going in and coming out of the water. As the sun slowly began to set, the lake would slowly grow cold. The night sky filled with bright, twinkling stars. It looked as if someone spilled a container of glitter in the sky. I loved those nights, wouldnt you? My absolute favorite memory of camp was the bonfire and hayrides every year. I loved the smell of bonfires, the sound of the wood as it crackled and popped, and of logs collapsing as they disintegrated into nothing but ash while amber ashes floated into the night sky. The best part about a bonfire was roasting marshmallows. Id sit and watch the marshmallow turn from white to a light amber color and thats how I knew my marshmallow was perfect. I remember making a smore one night and giving it to my friend Amanda. She sat and bragged about how good the smore was and told people to have me make their smores. One by one people started coming up to me and asking me to make a smore for them. It was fun for meto compete with other people to see who could make a better smore, but Id always win. While the bonfire was still going, the grounds keeper came to the campgrounds with his red horse drawn wagon and would take turns loading groups of people into the wagon. I loved getting to ride in the wagon with all my friends, talking, laughing, signing, of course, and just being goofy. I remember looking at the night sky thinking â€Å"could this get any better?† and it usually did by my friends burying me or someone else in the hay. I can remember laying down in the wagon and having hay thrown on top of me, stuffed down my sweatshirt, and even into my socks and shoes. I was so warm buried under all the hay. When the hayride came to an end, I had to get out from under all the hay that was thrown on top of me. It was not fun trying to get all the hay off of me. I had to go take a shower to get it all off. I seriously did not know that hay could hide in the tiniest of places. As the night came to a close, I was reminded of how camp was coming to an end. The end of camp was the best but yet the saddest time. Even though everyone was sad that camp was coming to an end, it was still a time of joy and happiness. We made our last day the best. On the last day of camp there would always be a Talent Show. I was in the talent show one year. Since it was a deaf camp and not many people saw me sign I decided to sign a song. I was so nervous when I got on stage, but my nerves subsided when I saw my parents in the audience cheering me on. As I began to sign I saw the looks on peoples faces and their expressions were priceless. They looked stunned like they couldnt believe that I knew how to sign as well as I did. After the talent show, people came up to me and told me that I was astounding, amazing, and that I needed to pursue a career in interpreting. The people also congratulated me on winning the talent show. After the talent show was finished we had a formal banquet to celebrate. It was incredible to see how men could go from wearing basketball shorts and tank tops to suits, the women from shorts and t shirts to dresses and skirts. Before the banquet we would always take a picture of everyone who came to camp. We then proceeded to the dining hall which was decorated each year with a theme. We would be seated at tables and treated like guests at a fancy fest or a royal ball. We used proper manners, ate very well cooked meals, had dessert, talked, and just had fun. After the banquet was over it was time to leave. At the end of the banquet we said our goodbyes, hugged our friends, packed the car, and started our countless hour journey back to Ohio, keeping the memories of the dazzling lake, the nice cool pool, the crisp Michigan summer air, the twinkling stars, the sweet smells of the bonfire, and the fun memories with friends in our minds. Even though I was sad to leave, I knew Id be back next year seeing the same people and creating more memories.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Pathophysiology Disease Body

Pathophysiology Disease Body Ulcerative colitis. Pathophysiology is the study of disturbance of normal mechanical, physical and biochemical functions either caused by a disease or resulting from a disease or abnormal syndrome or condition that may qualify to be called a disease. Its defined when something disrupts the normal physiology and it enters in to realm. Pathophysiology looks at the detailed malfunctioning that causes diseases. Pathophysiology deals with the how the body reacts incase of a pathogen in the digestive system. Pathophysiology of Ulcerative colitis is the most common inflammatory bowel disease affecting most people in the world and mostly in Australia. The inflammatory process of ulcerative colitis begins at the rectum area of the anal canal and progresses proximally to other body parts within the digestive system. After analyzing my patient, i found out some symptoms in him which are in ulcerative colitis. They included ; Frequent visit to the toilet with 7-8 visits during the night, diarrhea and the diarrhea p rogressed to have blood stains, loss of weight by 10 kg, loose of appetite, he was weak because of dehydration he experienced ache in the legs and this resulted to fatigue. These are the common symptoms in ulcerative colitis and this patient happened to have the symptoms after i diagnosed him. In most people the disease is confined to the rectum and sigmoid colon. Although ulcerative is untreatable, it has long-term debilitating manifestations which disrupt lifestyle. Some of the common signs and symptoms of this disease fall under two categories that is internal manifestation and external manifestation. Some examples of the internal manifestation include; include; inflammation at the base of the crypt of lieberkun in the large intestine which is connected with the inflammation on the thick lining wall of the rectum it also happen to other parts of the digesting track. It is also characterized by remissions and exacerbations involving the inflammation of the rectum and colon. Blood stained stool with mucus also is another symptom for ulcerative colitis. Abdominal pain, tiredness and weight loss, mouth ulcers, malaise and malnutrition, frequent diarrhea with small passage of blood and purulent mucus, some people experience fever in the body some patients may start vomiting or have nausea other patients may experience pain in the anus while passing stool. Chronic inflammation leads to a trophy, narrowing and shortening of the colon, with loss of its normal haustra. Pseudo polyps, tongue like projections of bowel mucosa into of the bowel regenerates. The disease is also severe in the rectum and sigmoid colon. Loss of the absorptive mucosal surface and rapid colonic transit and this causes large volumes of watery diarrhea, anemia. Many of the external manifestation may be missed as the sign of Ulcerative colitis examples of external manifestation include; joint pain oral lesions, arthritis, osteoporosis and skin manifestation e.g. Erythemanodusum. Some other external manifestation may be in the eyes and liver. Other signs are anorexia, fatigue and weakness in the body. Some people may have frequent visit to the toilets which can equate to 6 to 10 visits per day with bloody stool. All these symptoms differ with normal health because when one is healthy he or she does not visit the toilet frequently, diarrhea, has blood stool, vomit or has fatigue and weakness in the body. When the gastrointestinal is normal, digestive system is a lso good and the colon and rectum function properly. Chronic inflammatory is caused by abnormal gastrointestinal. Gastrointestinal process is important because it strengthens the mucosal lining of the rectum this results to better absorption of vital nutrients and thickening of the colon wall. After various medications failed, some of the visible effects of the current medication (cyclospororine) are; mild increase in transaminases, thrombocytopenia, and pancytopenia. This suggests that the therapy with VGC is effective against CMV in organ transplant. Also the current medication had fatigue problems the body was involved in a lot of metabolic processes and got exhausted because of that medication. This has led to general energy loss in the body as a whole. Although has negative impact to energy that is not reflected to weight has weight remained constant. The patient was not allergic to the medication and neither of his body parts responded negatively to the medication. Diarrhea has not stopped so the patient still administers predisone drug because it helps in reducing diarrhea. To avoid some of those effects the patient is supposed to medication that is suitable to his body. The medication i can recommend to the patient is the current drug because although it has so eff ects but it is helping the patient greatly. is an immunosuppressant for the treatment of the disease. Cyclosporine acts as an inhibiting lymphocyte which is important for propagation of inflammation. Apart from other immunosuppressive agent, this medication does not suppress the activity of other hamatopoetic cells References